Viral illness is a common occurrence in children. Most children with viral illness do not need to be reviewed by their GP and can be managed safely at home. 

If your child has breathing difficulties, persistent high fever over 38.5, a rash or is having difficulty managing food and fluids then please call and get advice about whether they need to be seen. They may also require a COVID test. 

Increasingly we are being asked to provide a certificate for a child to be able to attend preschool during or after an illness when they have recovered. Preschool clearances is not a service that we provide. The decision about whether a child can attend preschool is between the parents and the preschool and should not need to involve the GP. 

We don’t have the capacity to see well children for certificates at the request of preschools and it is not funded as part of the free under 14s healthcare. 

The Ministry of Health advice is clear that if your child is unwell with a viral illness then they should not be attending preschool or school.