Patient Registration
We are pleased to advise that Halswellhealth is now enrolling new patients. Because we are anticipating a large volume of enrolment requests, we are managing this by way of a waiting list. Please note we DO NOT accept casual patients.

Enrolments will be processed in order of receipt and depend on our ongoing capacity. You will be advised once your enrolment has been fully processed.

Please review our team page for an understanding of which GP’s are currently enrolling. We recommend you consider selecting a backup in the event your initial choice is oversubscribed.

Should you wish to enrol with us please continue below. Anyone over the age of 16 years must complete their own enrolment form.

Patient Details

Before checking a checkbox, please make sure to click the link to view the attached document.

Enrolling Area
We will review these boundaries periodically and reserve the right to change them if we deem it necessary.

Maximum file size: 2MB

Welcome to Halswellhealth information
Health Information Privacy Statement
Enrolling with General Practice
Terms of Trade
For 40 year olds and over: The Breast screening programme commences from age 45. Do you consent to be enrolled on this programme:
For 0–5-year-olds: The Before School Check (B4SC) and Immunisation programmes are an important part of protecting our Tamariki. We will contact parents / caregivers as these immunisations and the check fall due. If we are unable to contact a parent/caregiver, we may provide contact details and identifying information to either Waitaha PHO Mobile Team (B4SC) or Te Whatu Ora(Immunisations) Do you consent to your child or dependant being part of this programme?
Do you require an interpreter?
Once you click the Next button below, you will be directed to a new page to complete the next part of the enrollment process.