Farewell morning tea for Dr O’Gorman Sat 29th March

After working as a general practitioner in Halswell for over thirty years, Dr Paul O’Gorman is retiring from his practice at Halswellhealth on 28th March 2025.
We would like to invite all his patients to have the opportunity to say farewell, and will be hosting a morning tea on Saturday 29th March 2025
This will be at our Halswellhealth clinic at 36 Ensign Street, Halswell between 10:00am and 12:00 noon.
Paul would like to thank all his patients for their loyalty and support over the years. He has greatly enjoyed the privilege of caring for you during this time.
Halswellhealth would like to thank Paul for his many years of service to the greater Halswell community and wish him a long and healthy retirement.